Presbyterian Women at Columbia is an organization formed to support the women of our congregation and our community.  Every woman who does now or might consider calling Columbia Presbyterian her church home can be a Presbyterian Woman (PW).  All that is required to get involved with us is a desire to spend time with other women who share CPC’s mission: encouraging you to encounter God, to enter into a  life-changing relationship with Jesus, and to allow the Holy Spirit to show you your place in God’s work.


Presbyterian Women Circles

Columbia PW sponsors a number of small groups of women, called ‘Circles’, who involve themselves in Bible study as well as mission activities, both local and international, while building lasting relationships among each other.  Our Circles meet monthly as follows:


Ruth Circle 

3rd Monday of each month

at 6:30pm


Lydia Circle

3rd Thursday of each month

at 9:30am


Marian/Elizabeth Circle

3rd Thursday of each month

at 1:30pm

Presbyterian Women Gatherings

We hold four Saturday Gatherings each year, which are open to everyone and include good food, interesting programs, and fellowship.  The Circles take turns sponsoring these events.

Ellen Torongo Sholarships

Ellen Torongo was a charter member of Columbia Presbyterian Church. She was active into her 90’s in all aspects of church life and service. She valued education and was known for her no nonsense, yet loving care as a teacher and librarian. The Presbyterian Women of Columbia offer four scholarships in honor of Ellen.  


Scholarship #1 – Women 30 & older


Scholarship #2 – High School Graduate of Single Parents


Scholarship #3 – First Generation College Student


Scholarship #4 – Children of CPC Missionaries