Church is more than a one-hour gathering on a Sunday. Columbia offers a variety of ways for adults of all ages to grow spiritually and connect with others within our community.



Sunday Morning Opportunities


Hebrews: An Ancient Word for Today

Beginning September 15




There are many voices in the world that call us to follow their way and learn wisdom from them. This was also true in the first century and the early Christians were as susceptible as we are to these other voices. Some of these voices were calling Jewish Christians to turn back and rely on Jewish ways, like Temple sacrifice. Hebrews is teaching that Christ is the fulfillment of the old Jewish ways and is superior to other spiritualities. Join us as we study the book of Hebrews and see how this ancient book has a very relevant application for our lives today.



Discover Columbia through the Journey Class

Sunday morning (October 6, 2024)

Fellowship Hall


Journey is a great way to learn more about Columbia Presbyterian Church: Who are we and what kind of people is God calling us to be? Whether you are simply interested in learning more about Columbia or you are considering membership, we invite you to join us.


Wednesday Evening Opportunities

Each Wednesday throughout the school calendar year, we meet for a delicious dinner followed by a study. Dinner is served at 5:30pm, study is 6:30 – 8:00pm.


Royal Priesthood Class

Wednesdays beginning September 18


Main Conference Room


What is God’s ideal calling for humans? God calls all humans to be royal priests, representing His character and presence to the world. Where is this in the Bible? Join us for an exploration that will take us from Genesis to the New Testament as we look at this theme in the Bible. This six-session experience will meet in the Main Conference Room in the church office. Please call or text Bill Wheeler at 360-921-5780 if you plan to attend.


Men's Bible Study Groups

Tuesday Westside Bible Study

Led by Bill Wheeler

7:00-8:30am, Peachtree Restaurant

This group is looking at themes that repeat in the Bible, unifying the book into a continuous message, using Bible Project resources.


Tuesday Eastside Bible Study

Led by Dick Petermann


Beginning September 24

via Zoom

We will pickup where we left off at the beginning of summer in a study of The Gospel According to Luke, chapter 4.

All men are welcome to come and share whenever they can.


Friday Morning Group

9:00-10:30am, Chapel & Zoom


This is an in-depth, inductive Bible study focused on understanding God’s Word. Currently the group is studying the book of Matthew. When that is finished, the plan is to move on through the rest of the Gospels.



For more information contact the church office:


Other Men's Opportunities


Quarterly Men’s Breakfast

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Fellowship Hall

8:00 – 9:30AM


We will enjoy good food, fellowship, and a presentation by a guest speaker.


Guys & Kids Campout

August 2025


One weekend in the summer we encourage men of all ages to join together with their kids, grandkids, nieces/nephews, for a fun weekend of camping and fellowship. No kids, No problem.  You are still encouraged to join us.


Men’s Retreat

April 11-12, 2025


One weekend a year, men are invited to come together for a weekend of faith, fun, and fellowship.


For more information contact the church office:

Women's Bible Study Groups

GIFT “Growing in Faith Together”

The mission of GIFT is to help women of all ages grow in faith together through friendship and discipleship. 

Tuesday Mornings

Beginning September 10

9:30-11:30am, Chapel


This group will be studying Kristi McLelland’s Luke in the Land. While we study portions of the Gospel of Luke, Kristi will guide us through Israel to see where the stories took place and the gospel will come alive for us in new ways. The 7-week study includes video sessions and a personal study guide. We hope you will join us.  Email Sheri Borrevik or call her at 360-772-9207 or to reserve your seat!


Wednesday Evenings

Beginning September 11

6:30 – 8:00pm, LL6


Our Wednesday evening women’s group, GIFT@Night will be diving into Kristi McLelland’s study The Gospel on the Ground.  Join us in this 7-session video series as we look at the early years of the church as told in the book of Acts. Kristi does a wonderful job of explaining the Bible through a Middle Eastern lens. Expect to come away with some new insights and a deeper understanding of the kingdom of God. Please contact Alix Iverson with questions.


Precept Bible Study

Tuesday Mornings

Beginning September 10

9:30-11:30am, Fellowship Hall


This is an inductive Bible study method that digs deep into the Word of God which meets  September – May. Our concentration this winter & spring will be on the book of John.  For more information about Precept visit


For more information contact the church office:

Other Women's Opportunities


Women’s Retreat

April 25-27, 2025


 We’ll have time for worship, music, meaningful conversation and lots of laughter. Reserve this weekend on your calendar now and plan to attend with your CPC sisters in Christ.

Columbia Faith & Life Conference

January 31 – February 2, 2025


The Columbia Faith and Life Conference is a time to reflect more deeply on our faith and how we live that faith out in the world. This year’s speaker is Dr. Carmen Imes, Professor of Old Testament at The Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. 


Dr. Imes is passionate about helping students and laypeople engage the Old Testament and discover its relevance for Christian identity and mission. She is best known for her books Bearing God’s Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP 2019) and Being God’s Image: Why Creation Still Matters (IVP 2023). She has appeared on over 100 podcasts and radio shows and hosts the weekly “Torah Tuesday” videos on her own YouTube channel. She writes for Christianity Today, Politics of Theology, and The Well (InterVarsity). 


Carmen and her husband served as missionaries in the Philippines with SIM International, and she loves introducing people to the rich insights of the global church.


Tim's Bible Club


Whether you’ve never read the Bible, or have joined every year, make 2024 the year to meet with God every day and get to know Him better through reading His Word. Tim’s Bible Club is a virtual group that commits to read through the Bible in one year using a reading list for each day provided by Tim. There are no meetings or committees – just an occasional email of encouragement throughout the year to keep you motivated. 

The reading list is available here. 

Contact Tim Mauer if you are interested.