Our Purpose

Columbia Presbyterian Church: encouraging you to encounter God, to enter into a life-changing relationship with Jesus, and to allow the Holy Spirit to show you your place in God’s work.


Our Vision

A creative and vibrant community, every generation being transformed by Christ, reflecting God’s love as servants of all.

  • Intergenerational
  • Disciplemaking
  • Missional

Our Values

Columbia is passionate about core values that direct and guide us as a community of believers.  We have five core values:


Worship – We gather as a community of believers to worship God through the preaching of the Word, prayer, and the sacraments. We come to experience and praise God. Columbia values both traditional and contemporary worship styles, not trends or entertainment. We emphasize a thoughtful worship experience.


Reformed and Christ Centered Theology – Columbia is a reformed Presbyterian Church. We emphasize God’s Word as authoritative and believe in God’s grace through faith in all areas of our life together. We are Christ centered and theologically traditional.


Children, Youth and Families – Columbia has a long history of intentionally investing in its children, youth, and families through childhood education and youth ministry. We enjoy intergenerational relationships that enliven our church.


Service, Mission, Missional – Embedded in Columbia’s identity is the commitment to reach out in service with the love of Christ both in Clark County and around the world. Being sent out to proclaim the gospel in word and deed is a key part of our personal and collective discipleship. The list of ministries that we support is long and varied.


High Quality Programs, Ministries and Staff Columbia is a church that values and appreciates doing things well. We believe that the gospel, our missions, and our ministries are worthy of quality and planning, and we recruit and invest in our staff and lay leaders accordingly.




Core Beliefs

1. Presbyterians as Christians (Shared beliefs with other Christians)

A. The Mystery of a triune God: We share with Protestants, Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, one God who Scripture shows is creator, reconciler, and sustainer.


B. The incarnation of the eternal Word of God in Jesus Christ: We are not alone, “Emmanuel, God with us.”  Jesus Christ is begotten of God and is our only source of reconciliation back to God.



2. Presbyterians as Protestants (Shared beliefs with other Protestants)

A. Justification by Grace through Faith: We have not fulfilled God’s law of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul, and neighbor as ourselves. So we are not justified in and of ourselves to approach God.  We are not righteous.  But God’s love in Jesus Christ saves us and draws us back to God.


B. Authority of Scripture: Which lies at the center of Christian faith.  The lens through which we know God, who we are, and how we must live, points to the truth.



3. Presbyterians as Reformed (Beliefs emphasized for Reformed Presbyterians)

A. God’s Sovereignty: God and God alone is the only source and power of all that exists.


B. Election of God’s People for Service and Salvation: One important characteristic of our heritage is that the law comes after our grace, which is a way we show our gratitude for the grace given to us. (Whereas, by contrast, Lutherans would see the law as pointing to our sin and coming before our grace.)


C. God’s Covenant with Chosen People: God called ordinary people and entrusted them to follow God’s guidance in spreading God’s love and living holy lives.  “I will be your God, you will be my people.” And, “I will be with you till the end of the age.” We are all chosen.


D. Faithful Stewardship of Creation: Responsibility is on us to care for each other as well as creation.


E. Recognizing Human Tendency Toward Idolatry and Tyranny, which is Sin: Everyone believes in something, it just may be wrong because sin and evil have clouded our judgments and attempted to mask the truth of who God is.


F. That God’s People Work Toward the Transformation of Society by Seeking Justice and Living in Obedience to the Word of God: Our task is not to be successful in bringing in the Kingdom of God, but to be obedient in trying.





Next Steps

Our purpose: “Columbia Presbyterian Church: encouraging you to encounter God, to  enter into a life-changing relationship with Jesus, and to allow the Holy Spirit to show you your place in God’s work.”



Journey Class

Once a quarter the pastors host an afternoon or evening “Journey” class.  It is a great time of fellowship, meeting new people, and learning more about our church.  During the class the pastors talk about what it means to be a Christian, what it means to be a disciple of Christ, and share different ways to connect at CPC. In addition, for those who are seeking membership, more information is shared at this class.  We encourage anyone who has attended CPC at least three times to consider signing up for the next class. 



Speaking with a Pastor

Sometimes when finding a new church home, talking to a pastor helps us better understand if this is the best fit for our family.  Our pastors love to take the time to get to know you better and answer any questions you may have about CPC.  If you would like to get in touch with either Pastor Matt or Pastor Scott please fill out the Contact Us form, and they will get in touch with you as soon as possible.



Becoming a Volunteer

For some of us, we’ve found that “sweet spot” for doing God’s work and know right where we want to plug in. From music to youth ministry, missions or working with kids, cooking to teaching, visitation to administration…we want to be doing it all for the glory of God!  If you are interested in becoming a volunteer or want more information about a particular area, let us know through our Contact Us form and we’ll have that particular ministry area leader get in touch with you!